Force Toque Feedback Press
Extremely compact and accurate force feedback press, designed for low force and torque applications. This has been designed for assembly of medical devices such as inhalation and injectable devices and can record and display feedback for every cycle of a process application.
Designed to complement Mpac Platform chassis, and service all our standard indexing systems.
The module has a nominal 2 second cycle time and is capable of being mounted multi-up due to its compact size. Standard offerings include force and torque operation, force only operation, and feedback options with high resolution with loadcells on both force and torque, motor only feedback, or any combination to suit your needs.
All module wiring and I/O are design into the module for a clean module design whilst maintaining ease of maintenance.
End gripper tooling is designed within the project to perfectly suit each application.
Suitable for ISO7 clean room applications.
- Highly configurable motion profiles
- Low mass moving parts for ultimate sensitivity
- Available in linear only or linear and rotatable versions
- Compact footprint
- High speed & high resolution feedback
- Low cost motor torque feedback only version available for simple applications
- Environment – IS07 compatible
- Validation – GAMP5 & 21CFR Part 11 compliant
- Footprint – 465mm (H) x 75mm (W) x 240mm (D)
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Lambert Smart Process Modules
“Understanding the medical device market, our Smart Process Modules, with modularity and innovation at their core, enable us to deliver known solutions to injectable device manufacturers, accelerating our customers’ time to market.”